Joseph Drumheller   (Born 00/00/1847)
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Details pedigree
Born 00/00/1847 Certified Father Philip Drumheller (11/19/1815 - 06/02/1900)
Died Kunkletown, PA Certified Mother Lydia Burger (01/24/1819 - 03/03/1904)
Children Siblings Matilda Drumheller (10/25/1836 - 04/13/1901)
Catherine Ann Drumheller (06/06/1839 - 05/01/1889)
William Henry Drumheller (Born 06/10/1840)
Caroline Drumheller (Born 00/00/1842)
Sarah Drumheller (10/11/1844 - 02/02/1929)
Mary Ann Drumheller (07/05/1849 - 02/16/1933)
John Drumheller (Born 00/00/1851)
Samuel Drumheller (Born 12/02/1853)
Reuben Drumheller (Born 00/00/1856)
Elizabeth J. Drumheller (Born 00/00/1856)
James Cyrus Drumheller (Born 00/00/1861)
Emma Louise Drumheller (Born 00/00/1863)
Caroline Borger Certified

All data based on info provided by Stewart M. Borger via email (8/20/98) as found in family group sheets recorded by Preston D. Borger between 1898 & 1922.

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