Oliver Emerson Thiessen   (03/01/1904 - 07/14/1969)
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Details pedigree
Born 03/01/1904 at Kiel, Wisconsin Certified Father John Mathias Thiessen (Born 00/00/0000)
Died 07/14/1969 of heart attack on son's farm in Pennsylvania Certified Mother Lisetta Marie Hagemann (00/00/1865 - 09/30/1944)
Children Richard Oliver (Witty) Thiessen (12/14/1934 - 08/28/1999)
Mary Anita Thiessen (Restricted)
Siblings Raymond John Thiessen (10/17/1898 - 03/05/1987)
Anne Catherine Hickman Certified
aka: PopPop

Place of birth provided by Anita Thiessen Smith in 1998 to Anne Smith Beatty.
UPDATE: birth location from birth certificate

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Document Transcripts
Title Description Date
Birth Certificate Certified 3/3/1942. Recorded in Vol 4 of Births on p73, County of Calumet, WI 01/25/2006
Baptismal Certificate Baptised Sep 5, 1959 at the Cathedral of the Assumption, N. Charles St., Balto. MD 01/25/2006

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