Marlyn Hickman  
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Details pedigree
Born Certified Father Howard Joseph Hickman (03/31/1906 - 09/17/1960)
Died Certified Mother Grace Mary Ricktor (Born 00/00/1906)
Children Cynthia Goschen
William [Billy] Goschen
Jeffery Goschen
Siblings Eileen (1) Hickman
Howard Joseph Hickman Jr. (Born 11/20/1933)
Timothy Ricktor Hickman (Restricted)
George W. Goschen Certified

Image Gallery
Dedicated to the battle (Sep 12-15, 1814) during War of 1812. Aquilla Randall is one of the ribbons. Found and photographed in the Baltimore City Post Office Square by George & Marlyn.
Battle of Northpoint Monument
Hochschild Kohn ad from The Sun Magazine (Baltimore), Aug 23, 1970
Marlyn Modeling
Census Details
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Document Transcripts
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