The JavaScript Tree Component
Creating Cross-Browser Dynamic HTML Trees
By Gary
The free-to-the-public JavaScript Tree component enables you to build
customized tree
hierarchies made up of pure cross-browser Dynamic HTML
(DHTML) using object-oriented JavaScript. By providing the
tree hierarchy that's common in most graphical user interfaces
(GUIs), this component can improve both the navigation and the
real estate of your web pages. And it's not only
cross-browser, but also cross-platform (running on Unix,
Linux, Mac, and Windows). |
I'll show you how to take advantage of the JavaScript
component and use it in your web site or application. (Note
that only browsers from version 4 on will display the DHTML
trees; version 3 browsers will simply ignore them.) You can download
an archive containing all the tree-related source files that
go with this article. |
If you're new to JavaScript, this is a great place to
learn. Also note the references listed under Further
Resources at the end of this article - in particular, the
Asked Questions (FAQ) page for the
component. |
To begin,
you need to add the following library inclusion code into your
web page source: | <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
if (document.layers) {
document.writeln('<SCRIPT SRC="tree_n4.js"><\/SCRIPT>');
} else if (document.all) {
document.writeln('<SCRIPT SRC="tree.js"><\/SCRIPT>');
Here a pair of
standard HTML <SCRIPT> tags enclose five lines of
JavaScript code for including a JavaScript library in your web
page source. This library contains the code for the JavaScript
component, which consists of several JavaScript functions that
you'll need for creating trees. |
It's best to place this library inclusion code in the
<HEAD> section of your page source (see the sample
source). Note that due to the document object model (DOM)
differences between Netscape Navigator 4 and Microsoft
Internet Explorer 4, I've created two separate library files,
one for each web browser: tree_n4.js and
Thus, the library inclusion code contains an
if-else construction to dynamically include the proper library
(via JavaScript's document.writeln() method) for the browser being
Once you've inserted this code into your web page, you can
begin to create trees. |
The JavaScript Tree component is object-oriented
and provides an application programming interface (API) that
includes a constructor and a collection of member functions,
procedures, and variables for creating "tree objects." You
create a tree object by using the JavaScript
operator and the Tree() constructor, as
follows: | var myTree =
new Tree();
This expression creates a tree object named
Once you've created a tree object, you can add "tree items" to
it with the addTreeItem() method, which is built into
the Tree
component. For
example: | myTree.addTreeItem("my
You can pass any text string as a label argument to
addTreeItem(); this string will appear as the label for the text
item when the tree is displayed. To continue adding tree
items, keep calling addTreeItem(), as shown in the sample script
in Example 1. (If you're familiar with the JavaScript
Menu component, you may have
noticed that the syntax of the Tree API is very similar to the
Menu API;
using the addTreeItem() method in the
component is analogous to using the
addMenuItem() method in the Menu
component.) |
Example 1 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
var myTree = new Tree();
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item A");
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item B");
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item C");
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item D");
This script creates a simple tree object composed of four
tree items, each with its own string label: "my
tree item A",
"my tree item B", and so on. To create a more useful tree GUI, you'll
need to create a hierarchy of tree objects, which the
following section illustrates. |
Once you create a tree object, you can use it as a child
for the preceding tree object that you create (as with the child
API in the Menu component), thus creating a tree hierarchy. The sample
script in Example 2 creates a small tree hierarchy. (Later, in
the Adding
Links section, you'll see an example of a bigger tree
hierarchy.) |
Example 2 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
var mySubTree = new Tree();
mySubTree.addTreeItem("subTree item a");
mySubTree.addTreeItem("subTree item b");
mySubTree.addTreeItem("subTree item c");
mySubTree.addTreeItem("subTree item d");
var myTree = new Tree();
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item A");
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item B");
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item C");
myTree.addTreeItem("my tree item D");
Example 2 creates a small hierarchy of tree objects by
passing the mySubTree object as the first argument
in one of the addTreeItem() calls for the
object. Thus the mySubTree object becomes the child of
the parent (myTree) tree. To see the hierarchy of
tree objects created by Example 2, click the following link,
which will open a window that contains a page displaying that
tree hierarchy.
Example 2 Tree
If you view the source of that page, you'll notice that
there's also a call to a function named
showTree(), which is a core method of the
component. This function tells the Tree component that your tree
hierarchy is ready to be displayed. You only need to call
showTree() once for the first tree object (the root-level object)
of your tree hierarchy. Once the root tree is displayed, the
component will take care of displaying the rest of the tree
objects in your hierarchy, by displaying a folder icon for
each of the tree items that contain child trees. Clicking one
of these icons will open that folder, displaying all the tree
items in its child tree.
Nesting Further Down in the Hierarchy
To create a deeper tree hierarchy, you can continue to nest
tree objects via the addTreeItem() method. Example 3 shows how to
create a deeper hierarchy using more tree
objects. |
Example 3 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
var mySubSubTree = new Tree();
mySubSubTree.addTreeItem("my subTree item A");
mySubSubTree.addTreeItem("my subTree item B");
var mySubTree = new Tree();
mySubTree.addTreeItem("my subTree item B");
var mySubTree2 = new Tree();
mySubTree2.addTreeItem("my subTree item A");
mySubTree2.addTreeItem("my subTree item B");
var mySubTree3 = new Tree();
mySubTree3.addTreeItem("my subTree item A");
mySubTree3.addTreeItem("my subTree item B");
var myTree = new Tree();
myTree.addTreeItem("my last tree item");
Example 3 Tree
Example 3 creates five tree objects:
- myTree is the root-level object.
mySubTree, mySubTree2, and
mySubTree3 are all first-level tree objects (siblings of the
root tree, myTree).
mySubSubTree is a second-level tree
object (a child of mySubTree, which is a child of the
root tree).
You can keep nesting tree objects in a tree hierarchy in
this way; there's virtually no limit to the hierarchical depth
of the Tree component.
Displaying the Tree Hierarchy in a Frame
As in most applications, you probably want your tree
hierarchy displayed to the left of your main content. Click
the following link to open a window containing a simple HTML
frameset composed of two frames, where the left frame is a
page displaying the tree hierarchy created by Example 3.
To see how this was done, view the source of these frameset
pages. (I assume you're familiar with the basic syntax of HTML
Now that you know how to create tree objects and
hierarchies, let's look at how to add links to the individual
tree items. Example 4 creates another, more useful tree object
that contains links. |
Example 4
Note: The following code sample may contain statements that
have been broken into multiple lines in order to make this page
printable. In this example, a semicolon indicates the end of a
statement that was originally written on one line. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
var myTree = new Tree();
myTree.addTreeItem("View Source",
myTree.addTreeItem("Mozilla", "location=''");
This example is similar to the previous sample trees, but
it passes a second argument to
addTreeItem(). I've actually defined
addTreeItem() to take two arguments: a label and an action argument.
The action argument is for setting the JavaScript action or
function that should be executed when the user clicks the tree
item. In Example 4, I set all the tree item actions so that
the browser will change the location of the page to a
specified URL.
Notice that like the label argument, the action argument is
a text string, but in this case a string of code. Wrapping the
action code in a string makes it possible to pass practically
any kind of action, including a call to a JavaScript function
or expression, without having the action performed until the
click event takes place. For example, instead of passing a
string of code like
"location=''" for the item action (as in
Example 4), we could pass "" to open a new browser
Adding links and other JavaScript actions will make your
tree hierarchy more useful. For instance, a site map - a tree
hierarchy based on your web site structure - can be a very
useful, interactive tool for users, to help them find what
they're looking for more quickly. Click the following link to
open a window containing a sample site map displayed in the
left frame, similar to the previous example. Display
Site Map
This particular sample is a site map (tree hierarchy) based
on the DevEdge Online web site structure. See also the Netscape
Site Map and the Mozilla
Site Map, and try creating the same type of map for your
web site or application.
I've extended the API of the Tree component in ways that allow
you to customize the look and feel of your trees. For example,
you can change the font, size, color, and icon images of your
trees by changing the default tree properties contained in the
component. Click the following link to open a window
containing a sample tree hierarchy that resembles an
electronic mailbox.
This tree sample is not a functional web mailbox, but it
could be with more back-end work. It uses the same
component as the previous samples, but with different icon
images. It does this by changing the default icon properties
for the newly created tree objects, as
follows: | myMenu.folderIcons = new Array("images/mailfolder.gif",
myMenu.itemIcons = new Array("images/mailitem.gif",
These lines of code
override the myMenu icon properties:
folderIcons and itemIcons. (You can copy these sample
code lines and put in the path to your own images.) These icon
properties are both JavaScript Array types. Each array contains
four elements, in this order:
- the base icon, before any mouse events are encountered
- the icon when the mouse pointer rolls over it (the
"highlight" icon)
- the icon when the user clicks it (the "selected" icon)
- the icon when the mouse pointer rolls over the selected
icon (the "selected highlight" icon)
therefore need to provide four different icon images for each
of the two icon property arrays. The
folderIcons array refers to the folder icons for the tree object,
while the itemIcons array refers to the tree's
single-item (nonfolder) icons. View the page source of the
sample Mailbox
and File
Manager trees to see examples of customized icon
There are several other properties that you can customize
in the Tree prototype object. See the Sample
Trees page for additional samples of customized
Drag and Drop
You also have the option of enabling drag and drop for the
items in your tree hierarchy. This useful feature allows a
tree item to be dragged from one folder and dropped it another
within your tree structure (as in any common tree GUI). For
instance, the File
Manager sample enables drag and drop.
To enable drag and drop for the items in your tree
hierarchy, you need to load an additional JavaScript library
into your page source, as
follows: | <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" SRC="features.js">
This library ( features.js) contains several JavaScript
functions for enabling drag and drop (as well as other extra
features). Once you include the
features.js library, all your tree items will be draggable by
default. Click the following link to open a window containing
a sample tree hierarchy that includes the
features.js library and thus enables the drag and drop
Draggable Tree
If you have drag and drop enabled for your tree hierarchy
but want to disable it for a particular tree, you'll need to
set the disableDrag property to
true for
that tree. For
example: | myTree.disableDrag = true;
This statement disables drag and drop for the tree items in
the myTree object, while leaving the rest of the items in the
tree hierarchy draggable.
I hope you've enjoyed this article and that it will help
you add better navigation to your web site. I've covered every
detail I could think of to enable you to customize and add
trees to your web pages. Remember to check out the Sample
Trees page for a list of other tree samples.
View Source wants your feedback! Write to us and let
us know what you think of this article.
Many thanks to Michelle Wyner and Paul Dreyfus for the
opportunity to write this article, and special thanks to Caroline Rose for
the excellent editing job.
Gary Smith is a
Netscape engineer who occasionally writes free-to-the-public
software, and articles such as The
JavaScript Menu Component and Connecting
JavaScript to Java With LiveConnect in View
Any sample code included above is provided for your use on
an "AS IS" basis, under the Netscape
License Agreement - Terms of
Use | |